Participation & Membership
IFIS allows for various types of participation, limited or extended in time and scope. Basically, the Institute is made up of full members, associated members, supporters, members of the international advisory board, and guests.
Full members take responsibility for the further development of IFIS in all its respects. They are committed to attend the general assemblies where they have the right and the duty to decide on strategic issues and elect governing board members. All founding members are full members. Additional full members have to be co-opted by two full members and confirmed by the governing board. This principle has been implemented to assure cohesiveness and organic growth of the Institute. Any person interested in becoming a full member is invited to contact any full member or governing board member before filling in the membership request form. A background in integral studies and academic research and the desire for a long-term commitment with IFIS is recommended for this type of membership.
Associated members are participating in a specific area, project or function. Examples are students, trainees, scholars who cannot commit themselves as a full member, or people who are not themselves academic researchers but interested in participating in events organised by IFIS on a regular basis. People interested in becoming an associated member are invited to fill in the membership request form and to contact one of the governance board members. The governance board decides on the request.
Supporters share the overall spirit and the objectives of the IFIS and want to enhance its further development with additional means, whether or not they participate in events or projects. Supporters are either donators or supporting members paying a higher annual membership fee. People interested in becoming a supporting member are invited to fill in the membership request form and to contact one of the governance board members. Potential donators are invited to contact the representative of the governance board.
Members of the international advisory board and honorary members are specifically selected by the governacne board for their merits for integral or likeminded research. They act as advisors to the governance board, enhance ongoing projects and address critical issues for the development of the Institute as a whole.
Guests are people who simply participate in an event, pick up information from the IFIS resources, or are invited by the Institute for a specific occasion.